Computer Science - Research Groups
Research Group of Volker Lindenstruth

The "Architecture of High-Performance Computing" group focuses on the architecture, application and further development of highperformance computing in the natural and life sciences. One example is the reading and analysis of data from experiments on large accelerator facilities, such as at CERN and GSI, or FAIR. These are distributed, typically massively parallel processor systems and clusters, which are often subject to high real-time and reliability requirements. We investigate and develop new computer architectures and algorithms, which produce particularly energy efficient results. In the context of distributed computing, GRID technologies are used in the same way as virtualization technologies or cloud computing.

All Offices are located in the Giersch Science Center, the building directly next to the FIAS main building.

Jasmin Lebert
PhD Student
Office: 2|31 (GSC)
Phone: +49 69 798 44114

Felix Weiglhofer
PhD Student
Office: 2|29 (GSC)
Phone: +49 69 798 44113

Alexander Wilhelmi
PhD Student
Office: 2|24 (GSC)
Phone: +49 69 798 44110